Product placement in animation movie. Here We Go !!
1. It's an animation movie. Obviously. and just like any other animation movies, it is targeted towards kids. obviously. Then it is funny. obviously again. But, it is good. it has good storyline and have some themes about family love, friendship, hope and dream, which plays well all together in this one 1.5hrs long movie where kids can really enjoy it. I would recommend to watch it with kids. But, I personally don't think adults and teenagers will enjoy it. I found myself thinking "oh my god, this is so childish" while I'm watching this movie. Normally, I like Shrek, Despicable Me and Meatball movies, and I don't usually think of those movies as childish since I enjoyed it very much. But somehow, Turbo, I found it childish. Maybe it's because of the ending scene when Turbo wins the race (spoiler alert) and how he wins the race is a bit too obvious.
2. Good music and good strong unique characters. They used very famous songs and also created really really good music. I think it's because Snoop Dog was in it, so the stuff he said in his character was somehow rhymed really well (although it was weird his voice was in pink snail). It is the first time I ever felt like I want to buy animation movie's music album. It was THAT good.
3. YES. It has product placement !!! Even though the movie is about snail, it is set in modern time (ie right now). Hence, all the brands that are shown is used by humans. But still, there are product placements (yes, I mean plural !) in this movie. This means that they are all paid placements since animators have to add those brands in when they create this film. But it could be seen necessary for some to increase the realism because normally in our lives, car racing have millions of sponsorships and the racing car usually contains multiple sponsored brands. So to show this, maybe this animation movie have used product placement. They had Chevrolet car logo, hp laptop, AAA, and Verizon multiple times that it was not hard at all to find them in this movie. I just wonder why they haven't used the sports drink as a product placement in this film when they used all these other product types? For example, Adrenalode drink could have been a real product such as Mother, or V or even a Powerade. Why did they decide not to use this when they have consistently showed this brand more than other product placement? Interesting..
Overall, 3/5