Watched this movie as a celebration for father's day. It was also on an advanced screening with a special price of $10 !! Here we go go go
1. This movie is once again related to USA's white house falling apart and USA in crisis where hundreds of army officers can't do anything and yet here is one man. one single man. who happens to be in the white house when crisis happened, is saving the president and is saving USA. I'm not talking about Olympus has Fallen. I'm talking about White House Down. and yes. This movie is exactly the same genre, same scenario and same plot as Olympus has Fallen (except that this movie is USA vs USA, not North Korea vs USA). So if you enjoyed watching Olympus Has Fallen, definitely watch this. This
one is exactly like that movie but funnier. However, if you thought
Olympus has Fallen was waste of money, then don't watch it. You will
waste your money on this movie too (unless you are a fan of Channing
Tatum or Jamie Foxx).
2. Action. A hard core action movie. Lots of fighting and killing and explosions. This killing scene is not as real and cruel looking as Olympus has Fallen. But, it's definitely more funny compare to Olympus has Fallen. Lots of chuckle jokes that made everyone laugh in the cinema except my parents who didn't understand the jokes.
3. So unrealistic in terms of how president survives from a gun shot because of a watch and how Cale doesn't get shot, not even once when he is fighting against heavily armed men by himself. Another unrealistic thing is the character Emily. Her character just ruined everything for me in this movie but I see how important her role is in this movie. I mean, who waves the flag and to stop the missile from bombing the white house and people's reaction towards her was hilarious (in terms of how they wowed and well-done her and how she suddenly became a hero).
4. Not surprising, there was some use of product placement. Starting from Two News, Robitussin (verbal placement), Chevrolet, Sony, Nike Jordan and Kleenex. As I am a Kleenex user, I immediately recognised the brand when I saw the box of tissue. I definitely think the phone was product placement too but I don't know the exact brand. It's definitely not Samsung or iPhone. It's either Motorola or Nokia or HTC.
Conclusion, I personally liked the action scenes and straightforward storyline. Nothing confusing even though they tried to make it confusing, it was just so obivous (as I watched hundreds of movies like this).
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