Thursday, 11 July 2013

World War Z

I have watched this movie three times now. Twice in 2D and once in 3D. This movie is part of my Master's Thesis.

movie poster

1. As for a zombie movie (I am not a huge fan but don't mind watching this genre), this is less gross and disgusting movie. Zombieland was the most gross zombie movie ever ! and compare to that movie, World War Z is average. The only gross scene is where the zombie grins the teeth at the end when Gerry (Brad Pitt) is locked inside the lab.

2. Personally, excellent use of product placement. Pepsi just appears on the movie all of a sudden and randomly Gerry (Brad Pitt) decides to drink Pepsi after a near death experience with one zombie. This was so random that I decided to use this movie in my research to see how my participants will react on Pepsi in this scene. Beef Jerky was also placed in the movie when Gerry's family stole a camping van on their first escape from zombies in Manhattan. This brand was only showed like 5 seconds but if you have consumed this brand before, you will easily notice this product. A brand of water was also placed as a background in the movie inside the ship. No one in my friends and family noticed this but it was there. Obvious product placement other than Pepsi was the Belarus Airlines. The brand was placed and shown for good seconds where all the movie consumers must have seen this brand as it was the plane the Gerry caught after his airplane pilot  left without him. Mountain Dew was also in the movie when Gerry kicked the Mountain Dew can when they are suppose to make zero noise to stimulate 80 zombies in WHO building B. That scene was suspense and I automatically hold my breathe when he kicked the can. Even though the place and lighting was dark, I could still see green can with Mountain Dew brand on it.

3. More realistic (character-wise) than any Tom Cruise or James Bond movies. Tom Cruise and James Bond never die or injure in any movies. They are like superheroes. They go through bullets and every bullets they fire all hit enemies. It was so unrealistic. However, here, Brad Pitt injures and has experience of getting zombie's blood (or saliva) in his mouth.

Plane scene

4. Best suspense zombie movie. This movie is all about suspense. When zombie attacks Brand Pitt's family on apartment, when his wife calls him in the middle of escape plan in SouthKorea, when zombies climb over the Israel's wall and falls inside the walls and destroys the whole city, when the plane crashs because there was one zombie who bited everyone on the plane except him and his soldier. If you think about it, this can be seen as a bit unrealistic as he survived the plane crash and he didn't get bitten by zombies in the plane. But, compare to other movies with top Hollywood actors (I'm using Tom Cruise because his mission impossible movies are just so fake), at least Brand Pitt got some sharp plane equipment stuck on this stomach during the plane crash, he was just like normal (but can fight) person. Everyone in the cinema jumped at least once in this movie and I heard some people swearing as they got scared.

Brad Pitt

5. Good apocalyptic genre movie. It has storyline. It doesn't end blandly like Spielberg's War of World starring Dakota Fanning and  Tom Cruise. That movie was so bad at the end, I still don't understand why machines just died all of a sudden. But World War Z has the storyline and that literally explains the "cure" from becoming a zombie - not to have healthy body and inject yourself with some disease. It made sense for me and actually convinced me as I went "ahhh" when Brand Pitt (Gerry) explains his theory to WHO scientists.

6. 3D was okay. But I would personally prefer 2D since it's a zombie movie. There was one scene was zombie was falling down and on 3D, it was like as if zombie was falling on your face. That was epic. Everyone jumped. Other than that, it was same as watching it in 2D.

World War Z

Overall, 3.5/5
Has storyline, suspense, and good zombie movie.

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